Joint staff training and students’ mobility in Botosani
At a similar time as management meeting also the last mobility of students and teachers was held. The program of the mobility included introduction of both hosting organisations, visit to art gallery, ethnographic museum or open-air museum. From the example lesson plans – geometric shapes available in nature were presented, local founding of historical pottery were introduced and folklore clothes and symbols were shared.
Transnational project meeting in Botosani
Management meeting hosted by both Romanian partners (Liceul Tehnologic Elie Radu and Muzeul Judetean Botosani) was held in Botosani from 14. – 16.6.2022. It was the project final meeting which helped to organise expected project outputs, discuss possible ways of dissemination and evaluate so far reached project progress.
Joint staff training and students’ mobility in Kayseri
Mobility of learners and teachers was held from 30.5.2022 till 3.6.2022 in Kayseri (Turkey). The program was full of learning activities such as visit to local heritage in Cappadocia, Selcuk geometric shapes workshop or presentations about Turkey – nest of the oldest and most developed civilization in Neolithic and Iron Age, birthplace of AEneas progenitor of Rome, home of one of the most enduring empires: from East the light, according to one of the most used formulas by historians,
crossroads of cultures and people.
Transnational project meeting in Kayseri
Management meeting was hosted by Turkish school Sümer Fen Lisesi in Kayseri from 30. – 31.5.2022. As the project is slowly getting to its end, so it was important to discuss all the expected outputs and organise the work.
Joint staff training and students’ mobility in Catania (Italy)

Joint staff training and students mobility was held from 4 to 8 April 2022 in Catania. On the 4th of April participants enjoyed a lesson held at Liceo Lombardo Radice by prof. Piero Mammino on how the volcano, Mount Etna, has changed and influenced our Cultural Heritage over time, on the 5th participants had a guided tour of Benedictine Monastery, located in Dante Sq. where they experienced an interesting workshop on how to enhance our territory (from the idea to the business plan). On the 6th of April participants had a wonderful lesson held at University by prof. Simona Todaro on how mobility and cultural Age might contribute to interpret archaeological remains. This afternoon a workshop (clay arts and crafts) was held by the above-mentioned Professor at university, Palazzo Ingrassia where our students from Turkey, Czech Republic, Italy and Romania experienced the making of ancient artefacts. Furthermore, participants visited The Regional Museum Paolo Orsi in Syracuse (guided tour and follow up activities). And on the 7th of April participants stepped up the slopes of Mount Etna, visited Valle del Bove, the crates and “grotte silvestri”. Taormina and the Greek Theatre which was the destination on the 7th in the afternoon. On the 8th there was a lesson on Culture as a vehicle of unifications among different territories and a guided tour to Ursino Castle (once surrounded by the sea, in the fourteenth century it was the residence of the Aragonese royals; transformed according to Renaissance taste in the sixteenth century, it was surrounded by lava in the eruption of 1669 and therefore stands today on the mainland). In the evening of April 8th, after a evaluation meeting, the Ceremony of awarding certificates was held and participants left for their homes.
And a video from Catania – summary of the best moments:
Joint staff training and students mobility in Opava (Czech Republic)

Joint staff training and students mobility was held from 14 to 18 February 2022 in Opava. Concentration of both events was focused on good practise sharing through showing teaching methods based on cultural heritage through workshops on civics, art, history, culture, music and paintings. The topics were presented and discussed starting from the productions of materials (presentations, videos, interactive games) previously planned whose fulcrum was: important personalities who gave a new impulse to their country development in the field of history, scientific, technical and art area at a young age. The mobility involving Romania, Turkey, Italy and the Czech Republic as interested and active participants, took place mainly in Opava with a one-day visit to Ostrava. In Ostrava participants visited a site of industrial modernism (Dolní Vítkovice area) where an important Science and Technology Center, the Svět Techniky (World of technique), was born.
Transnational project meeting in Rome (Italy) – 10.12.2021
2nd project meeting took a place in Rome and was organised on 10.12.2021 – this was nearly 2 years after the first kick off meeting. In the past 2 years partners gathered virtually through on-line sessions. Rome meeting was a unique chance for most of us to meet again personally. And a very important occasion to decide what to do next.
Online meetings
Important on-line project meetings of our team were held on 29.6.2020 and 26.10.2020. Gloomy Covid time allows us to realise only on-line activities. We plan to prepare something what our students will like to do

Management meeting (kick off meeting in Opava)
1st kick off project meeting was held in Opava (Czech Republic) on 23.-24.1.2020. We had a chance to meet for the first time and get to know each other. Also, work tasks distribution, topics preparation, dissemination and evaluation of the project were solved. We hope to have a successful project.