Project Koordinator
ZŠ Opava, Vrchní 19 – p.o, Czech Republic
The primary school ZŠ Opava, Vrchni is located in the Moravia-Silesian region and it is attended by about 500 pupils. The main focus of the school is overall development of the pupils’ knowledge and skills relevant to subjects taught here. Taking advantage of our own experience is one of the best ways how to learn new things and how to remember them for a long time. That is why our pupils are always involved in various projects. Our school supports their active involvement in various activities and competitions. We need to admit our pupils are very successful in many of them. Our school supports various types of teaching activities such as English language teaching according to the knowledge level of pupils, English language conversational lessons, individual attitude of teachers toward pupils, special pedagogue care, lots of sport activities such as skiing courses, cycling courses, wild water school, free time sport clubs and hand creation labs, active participation of pupils in the Czech Republic and international projects. In case of any interest from the side of pupils school management finds a way how to prepare an activity from the field of their interest.
Opava, the hometown of the ZŠ Vrchní primary school, is located in the border region of the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia which represents a historical area that underwent constant ethnic changes. The historical events and the industrial growth had a great impact on forming this region. The historical development in this region has resulted in the occurrence of several ethnic minorities that found their home in our region. Thus variety of ethnic groups have had an impact on forming our civilisation and the traces of their cultures became evident in all aspects of our lives (e.g. architecture, fine arts, literature, gastronomy, ethnographic festivities etc.).

Opavská kulturní organizace p.o., Czech Republic
OKO the cultural society of Opava is a municipal state-funded institution that is active in organizing activities and service for needs of overall cultural development of the region of the town of Opava. OKO was established by the Municipality of statutory town of Opava, dated 1 January 2008 OKO was founded in 2007 within the project preparation of the Town Centre that was established thanks to reconstruction works of a former bank building into a new cultural institution. OKO has ensured cultural and overall working of the Town Centre since December 2009. OKO runs also the Centre of Arts and the Sanctified church of St. Wenceslas, from 2011.
We regularly organize museum and galery free-time activities for schools and children visitors led by experienced instructors. The programme Jeden svět (One World) for schools in the framework of the documentary films festival on human rights, further the Suburban Summer Camp (In the heart of your town), The Children’s Day in the Municipal House and the House of Arts.
Kocasinan Sumer Fen Lisesi, Turkey
Our school was founded as the second school of our city in 1968. It started education and training by name of sümer high school. Our school was named from our city’s first cloth fabric (sümer cloth factory ) which was built. 16 september 1935 and was given its name to district.sümer science high school was constructed to sümer cloth factory is field after elementary and secondary school with the same name had been built. Sümer high school provided an opportunity to students whose parents worked as a clerk and employed in sümer cloth factory . Our school was built by people who worked in this factory and lived this neighbourhood do to provide an opportunity for workers and clerks children education. After the high school education, the university education provided for many children who have served their nations such as scientieste, academician, engineer, doctor, politician, businessman, teacher artist, industrialist, sportsman, soldier and like this.
In our school variours social and cultural activities are carried out. Besides , courses are organized for our students and parents who want to take part in we receive material and moral support from alumni association who consists of graduates from our school. As a learning center our school continues to touch peoples lives.

Paydas Egitim Kultur ve sanat Dernegi, Turkey
Paydaş is a local organization founded in 2014 by reunion of educators/facilitators who has enough experience on the national and international projects at different organisations with the aim of strengthening their enthusiasm and hardwork to attain the expected goals. Paydaş regards the youth branches in other European countries as mutual partners and members are mainly the teaching staff at different types of organisations in the field education. Art and Education is also the core of our activities. Running organizations to nurture reciprocal education between teaching staffs and educational interaction is also one of the aims of the association .Thus, it will have far reaching impacts on the young population of Turkey and all Europe.Paydaş is trying to create a youth policy which aims to compensate young people including the ones who have economic, educational, social, physical and geographical obstacles with the help of activities in the fields of education, art, music, drama, dance and other social projects.
The association’s regular activities include organizing trainings which support the development of the teachers in certain subjects to make them gain experience in different fields. Paydas has a huge network that allows the organisation to be in contact with other NGOS,schools, foreign partners, stakeholders, consulting companies, educational institutions and universities, experts, public administration, etc., and it works in close cooperation with all of them, which facilitates precise knowledge of the reality and direct contact with the target group of the project,especially trainings of refugees and asylum seekers in the region.
Liceo Statale G. Lombardo Radice, Italy
Lombardo Radice High School is located in a central area of Catania, a big industrial, touristic city in Sicily. The Liceo is in a socio-economically advataged area and it offers a wide range of career opportunities to the territory of Catania and Province. It has 150 teachers and 1450 students. They mostly come from middle class families. We have been working on eTwinning, Comenius and Erasmus + projects. We got European Quality Labels for them. The last ‘Searching for The Labours of Hercules involved universities. All courses enable students to learn languages and the Linguistic focuses on proficient levels in English, French and Spanish. Two courses lead to the French ESABAC and Cambridge IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) Certificate awarded by the Cambridge International Examinations, as we have been selected as Examination Centre. We usually organise stages to European countries and Russia and Canada. Our students attend different types of laboratories to get international language certificates from B1 to C1. Moreover our school has invested in the CLIL methodology enabling teachers to deal with non language subjects in foreign languages. The school has been awarded prizes for Drama in English, French and Spanish, making pupils enthusiastic about learning by doing. Our school welcomes foreign students through INTERCULTURA, ROTARY, WEP, also non European students based in Catania and disabled students, providIng them with tutors.

Eurinnet, Italy
Eurinnet was established two years ago as a branch of EURO INNOVANET, a research and consultancy private institute with over 25 years of experience in European projects, from whom inherited staff, background, a wide range of relationship at national/international level. Our field of activities includes: cultural and educational innovation, training, local development and inclusion. It provides specific activities on the field, conferences, training courses and studies. Recipients of our activities are public institutions, universities, teachers, local authorities, professionals, private companies, NGOs. Eurinnet staff has extensive experience having successfully participated in the following programs: LLP, Adapt, Integra, Youth of Europe, Equal, Erasmus.
Eurinnet is committed to a wide range of issues that aims to support an open and aware society. In this frame, knowing and valuing innovations in Educational Systems and training can sustain positive change in labor market.
Liceul Tehnologic Elie Radu, Romania
Elie Radu” Technological High School Botosani is located in Botosani town and provides education services for pupils from all the county. Established in 1972, it distinguishes itself in Botoşani education through the uniqueness of its specificity, being the only high school with a profile of constructions, installations and public works in the county. During our over 40 years of continuous activity, our high school has trained students both in high school and vocational education, having the following specializations: construction and public works, installations, environment protection, woodworking and mechanics. The high school has a total area of 15,000 sqm, of which 6,500 sqm represents the built-up area and consists of a building body with 16 classrooms and 3 laboratories (physics, chemistry, computer science), a second with 5 specialized school workshops constructions, installations, woodworking and mechanics, equipped with a rich teaching material. The unit also has a gymnasium, boarding school, canteen, own center, a dendrological park – unique in the network of county school units.
The “Elie Radu” Technological High School consists of a 3-year vocational school and a technological high school, schooling pupils aged 14-19. The boarding school provides accommodation for 100 students, and internet access is available throughout the school. Many of our vocational school graduates are admitted to the technical highschool. The knowledge gained during the studies allows for the social integration of the graduates by engaging in private or state-owned firms, as well as developing personal affairs.

Muzeul Judetean Botosani, Romania
The Botosani County Museum is a public cultural institution, subordinated to the Botosani County Council, which was founded on 23 of December 1955 with two sections: history and natural sciences. Over time, the museum has expanded to include now the following sections: Botosani History Museum, “Stefan Luchian” Contemporary Art Gallery Botosani, Nicolae lorga” Memorial House Botosani, Natural Science Museum Dorohoi, “George Enescu” Memorial Museum Dorohoi, “George Enescu” Memorial House Liveni, Archeology Museum Saveni, Ethnographic Museum Botosani. The Botosani County Museum is a public institution of culture, in the service of the society, which ensures the knowledge of the national, regional and local history, civilization and culture, the preservation, valorisation and putting into circulation of the goods from the national cultural heritage.
The museum has the following objectives:
a) researching and collecting goods of historical, archeological, artistic, ethnographic, memorial and natural history, in order to establish and complete the museum heritage;
b) organizing the management and scientific evidence of the cultural heritage held in administration;
c) establishing and organizing documentary funds as well as the general archive;
d) storage, preservation and restoration of the patrimony, in accordance with the general European standards, as well as the norms elaborated by the Ministry of Culture;
e) capitalizing on the cultural heritage by:
- organizing permanent and temporary exhibitions at the Museum’s headquarters in the country and abroad;
- organization of documentary services open to the public by using information about the cultural heritage and the institution, according to the norms in force;
- publishing of scientific publications and popularization;
- engaging the audience of all categories, through specific means, in an educational system designed to familiarize them with history, culture, local and national traditions.